The Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT; Reynolds, 2014) is a comprehensive intelligence test measuring crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence, and quantitative aptitude or intelligence. The RAIT can be administered individually or to a group. It requires minimal reading skill and almost no motor coordination and visual-motor skills. Two overall scores are available based on the subtests administered: The Total Battery Intelligence Index includes quantitative intelligence subtests, and the Total Intelligence Index does not. The RAIT can be administered in paper-and-pencil or online through the PARiConnect digital platform. A full and abbreviated battery are available.
Age: 10 years to 75 years
Time to Administer: 50 minutes for full battery; 30 minutes for abbreviated battery
Method of Administration: Individual or group administration
Paper/pencil or online administration
Yields z scores, normal curve equivalents, stanines, percentile ranks, and age equivalents (for younger children)
Subscales: Overall Composite Scores: Total Battery Intelligence Index, Total Intelligence Index
Index Scores: Crystalized Intelligence Index, Fluid Intelligence Index, Quantitative Intelligence Index
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