The Test of Language Development: Primary, Fifth Edition (TOLD-P:5; Newcomer & Hammill, 2019) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced instrument that is used to assess spoken language in children ages 4 years to 8 years, 11 months. Six core subtests and three supplemental subtests yield composite scores in three major dimensions of language: semantics and grammar; listening, organizing, and speaking; and overall language ability. Not only can the TOLD- P:5 be used to identify deficits, strengths, and weaknesses in oral language skills, it also can be used to measure progress in intervention. Core subtests include Picture Vocabulary (measures understanding of the meaning of spoken English words); Relational Vocabulary (measures understanding and ability to orally express the relationships between two spoken stimulus words); Oral Vocabulary (measures ability to give oral definitions to common English words that are spoken by the examiner); Syntactic Understanding (measures ability to comprehend the meaning of sentences); Sentence Imitation (measures ability to imitate English sentences); and Morphological Completion (measures ability to recognize, understand, and use common English morphological forms). Supplemental Subtests include Word Discrimination (measures ability to recognize differences in significant speech sounds); Word Analysis (measures ability to segment words into smaller phonemic units); and Word Articulation (measures ability to utter important English speech sounds).
Age: 4 years 0 months to 8 years 11 months
Time to Administer: 30-60 minutes
Method of Administration: Individually administered, norm-referenced measure of spoken language
Yields standard scores, scaled scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalent scores
Subscales: Composites: Overall Language Ability; Semantics And Grammar; Listening, Organizing, And Speaking
Core Subtests: Picture Vocabulary; Relational Vocabulary; Oral Vocabulary; Syntactic Understanding; Sentence Imitation; Morphological Completion
Supplemental Subtests: Word Discrimination; Word Analysis; Word Articulation
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