The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – Second Edition (WASI-II; Wechsler, 2011) is an individually administered, norm-referenced, brief, reliable measure of cognitive ability for persons ages 6 through 90 years, 11 months old. Flexible administration offers the opportunity to include either two or four subtests, and results yield Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI; crystallized ability), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI; nonverbal fluid ability), and Full Scale IQ scores. The purposes of the WASI-II include screening for intellectual giftedness or disabilities; determining if in-depth assessment is needed; reassessing after a comprehensive evaluation; and estimating a range of Full Scale IQ scores. Subtests “mirror” content from the WISC-IV and WAIS-IV.
Age: 6 years 0 months to 90 years 11 months
Time to Administer: 15-30 minutes
Method of Administration: Individually administered, norm-referenced brief measure of intelligence; clinician-administered
Yields standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15) for composites and T-scores (M = 50, SD = 10) for subtests; percentile ranks, confidence intervals
Subscales: Composite Scores: FSIQ-4 (based on 4 subtests); FSIQ-2 (based on 2 subtests); Verbal Comprehension; Perceptual Reasoning
Subtest Scores: Vocabulary, Similarities, Block Design, Matrix Reasoning
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