The DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration (TSI; DeGangi & Berk, 1983) is a criterion-referenced assessment of sensory integrative functions of children ages 3 to 5 years old. The TSI is sensitive to even subtle developmental deficits, which can facilitate early intervention. Overall sensory integration is measured with 36 items, organized into three subdomains: Postural Control, Bilateral Motor Integration, and Reflex Integration. The test is clinician-administered and takes approximately 30 minutes. The TSI is designed to be a diagnostic tool when administered by an occupational therapist or physical therapist who is knowledgeable about sensory integration. If administered by special educators, motor developmental specialists, or therapy assistants, the test may be used as a screening tool to determine if a child warrants a more thorough sensory evaluation. Children are asked to perform the desired task and are rated on a weighted numerical point system ranging from 0-1 to 0-4 depending on the degree of difficulty for the item. The TSI allows the examiner to observe and rate the child’s performance on crossing midline, maintaining various postural positions, producing co-contraction of opposing muscle groups, and motor planning for various tasks. The Reflex Integration domain was found to have less than desired rigor for validity and reliability and, therefore, should be used cautiously from a diagnostic standpoint. Examinees must be able to demonstrate sustained attention and also be able to interpret verbal instructions.
Age: 3-5 years
Time to Administer: 30 minutes
Method of Administration: Criterion-referenced, clinician-administered; 36 items assess postural control, bilateral coordination, and reflexes
Yields scores that are compared to cutoff scores to identify sensory processing into Normal, At Risk, and Deficient categories
Subscales: Overall Composite Score: Total Test Score
Subdomain Scores: Postural Control; Bilateral Motor Integration; Reflex Integration
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